TLC Latex Pillows

Friday 22 January 2021

Why are Therapeutic Neck Pillows Gaining Popularity Recently?

Recently the popularity and usage of a therapeutic neck pillow are rapidly widening. The remarkable foam density in these products offers an amazing combination of comfort and firmness that supports a restful night’s sleep. Its firmness is structured to keep up with the ergonomic design integrity. 

Pillows Online

Usage of Therapeutic Pillows 

The search and purchase of therapeutic pillows online have experienced a significant hike in the past few years. Numerous studies reveal most people sleep on both sides as well as on their backs. The body anatomy is such that these sleeping positions need varying support requisites to maintain adequate head posture and neck alignment. 

Most health professionals opine that the head requires an approximately two inches higher support in the side sleeping position than the back. In an attempt to fulfil this condition, individuals often put their hand under the pillow while sleeping on their sides. Therapeutic pillows offer more support in this condition as opposed to their ordinary counterparts. 

A therapeutic pillow comprises two distinct regions with different height levels for side and back sleepers. The following characteristics of therapeutic pillows often allow it to offer superior support – 

a) keeping the head tilt proper while sleeping on the back 

b) impart adequate neck and upper back support while sleeping on the back 

c) refrains the head from rolling sideways while back sleeping 

d) imparts support to the head at sufficient height while sleeping in the back or side position 

The Designing of Therapeutic Pillows 

When people sleep on their back, they usually rest their head in the pillow’s centre. Consequently, therapeutic cushions are explicitly engineered with a unique wedge for upper back support. For side sleepers, the pillow’s outer edges provide raised side panel to support the shoulder and neck at elevated heights. 

Therapeutic pillows are devised with the sole objective of appropriately support the head and neck for back and side sleepers.

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Reasons That Drive You to Buy King Size Pillow

Peaceful sleep plays a crucial for the well-being of your health. One should go for king size pillow for improving the quality of sleep. Pillows come in different shape and sizes. One requires choosing the right size and shape for a peaceful rest. The cushion of king-size is too light, brittle, and porous, which offers you anti-bacterial features which give you quality sleep throughout the night. This anti-bacterial property prevents the skin issue. 

King Size Pillow

They are available with the leading dealers who also offers pillow for toddler, seniors, therapeutic, and variant of latex. The standard size of king-sized cushions is 18x8.2x7.4 inches. It is suitable for every kind of sleepers. It can easily cover the double-bed. This pillow contains the curves which accept every shape of the body with proper support. If you are someone who keeps changing the sleeping position, the extra-large size of this pillow is suitable for you. Back sleepers and side sleepers can also take advantage of this pillow.

This cushion is suitable for workaholic people. Individuals, who spend most of their time reading or working on the bed, need king-sized pillows the most. It offers extreme comfort and excellent back support. Irrespective you work on a laptop, watch a movie, or read a book; this large cushion gives relief to your back. You lean on them comfortably aside from the headboard.

It is beneficial for the side-sleepers for achieving a perfect sleep. Lying on the side, while sleeping is the most common sleeping position. If one doesn’t sleep comfortably in this position, it causes strain to the neck, back, and the entire spine. This pillow contains more volume and wider length than the standard cushion; it holds the head and shoulder for allowing the comfort to back and neck. If you wish to gain such advantages, feel free to connect with leading dealers in the city.